
Wholesalers’ Resource Nearby In Accra

Are you an Accra wholesaler but you just don’t want to import from China directly, for the below products? We have a good resource for you, nearby. Get his contact at the end of the page.

Make a call to him, you must find more even if you just don’t need these items.

Spray Paint China Resource In Accra

Spray Paint

Carb & Choke Cleaner

Carb Cleaner

Anti Rust Lubricant

Anti-Rust Lubricant

Dashboard Polish Spray GS-90 China Distributor in Accra

Dashboard Polish

About Us

China HQ Office

A team of 37 staff from Guangzhou city is supporting the good products we are selling globally.

Modern Factory

Modern equipment and factory management are other keys to supply great products for Comma.

THIS® is the registered brand.


WhatsApp: +233 558364289

Email: [email protected]

Accra, Ghana

Abossey Okai Market